February 6th: Sally’s APizza Proposal Abutters Meeting at 6pm. Open to all neighbors. Restaurant location: 30 Thomson Place
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February 7th: City Councilor-At-Large Henry Santana Office Hours from 9am to 10am at t the Cannonball Cafe, 383 Dorchester St.
February 11th: 244 - 284 A Street Open Space Meeting #3 at 6pm hosted by the City of Boston Parks and Recreation and Related Beal to review further refined design updates on the amphitheater within the waterfront Fort Point Park and Harborwalk. Register.
February 19th: Cocoa with City Council President Ruthzee Louijeune at 9am at the Cannonball Cafe, 383 Dorchester St. Come hear about what's happening and share questions, concerns and ideas about our neighborhood and city. Enjoy a free cocoa.