Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Spring Into Action With Love Your Block, Beautiful and Improved Streets, Trillium And Local Updates

updated 3/27/24 with Love Your Block Volunteer Sign Up and MCCA Beautification project. 

 FPNA Neighborhood Gathering

Tuesday, March 26, 2024
6 pm to 8 pm
via Zoom

Our C-6 Community Officers

Pat Hoey, Boston Transportation Department 

Trillium Brewing 
47 Farnsworth St
seeking approval to add distilled spirits

Love Your Block Volunteers
Saturday, April 6th 

MCCA/BCEC Beautification Project

Neighborhood Updates  
24 Farnsworth Emergency Overflow Family Shelter * Upcoming Development Projects

originally published 03.21.24

Monday, March 25, 2024

Happenings This Week

March 25: Comment deadline for the Draft Environmental Impact Report (see below for more details under 232 A Street).

March 26: FPNA Neighborhood Gathering at 6pm via zoom.

March 26: A Plan for a Safe, Healthy, and Active Summer ‘24 Meeting #2 at 6pm at the Condon, 200 D St.

March 27: 232 A Street Impact Advisory Group Public Meeting at 6:00pm (see below for more details under 232 A Street).

March 27: Fort Point Channel Landmark District Commission Meeting at 6pm. Note: new date. 

March 28: Commonwealth Pier Revitalization Notice of Project Change Comment Deadline Send comments to MEPA analyst Alexander Strysky

232 A Street Project
March 25: Comment deadline for the Draft Environmental Impact Report on approx. 335,000 sf  laboratory/R&D & office building city street extension, sidewalks, improvements to the Harborwalk & South Bay Harbor Trail, and site grading for improved neighborhood resiliency. Send comments to MEPA analyst

March 27: 232 A Street Impact Advisory Group Public Meeting at 6:00pm to discuss the recently filed 7th Amendment to PDA. 69, the Development Plan and the response to the BPDA's Request for Additional Information.  The purpose of the meeting is to provide an overview of documents and discuss potential impacts and mitigation. 

Save the date of April 8: 232 A Street Public Meeting at 6pm to discuss the recently filed 7th Amendment to Planned Development Master Plan no. 69, the Development Plan for 232 A Street, and the response to the BPDA Request for Additional Information. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Fort Point Landmarks March 2024 Meeting

updated 3/13:  rescheduled from March 19th to March 27th at 6 PM in order to have a a quorum of Commissioners present.


will hold a public hearing on:

Wednesday March 27, 2024 (newer date)
6:00 PM
This hearing will be held virtually and NOT in person. 
You can participate in this hearing by going to the Zoom meeting link or by
calling  929-436-2866 and entering meeting id 956 3126 7399#.You can also submit written comments or questions to FortPointLDC@boston.


Applicant: Nathan Turner
Proposed Work: Installation of wall mounted ductwork, condensers and exhaust openings to support a new high-end Italian best in class pizzeria.

APP # 24.0751 FPC 372 CONGRESS STREET(moved to administrative review)
Applicant: Pamela Jagiello
Proposed Work: Recover three existing awning frames with Navy Blue Sunbrella and letter with white letters, JUST SALAD. Replace existing 24" diameter blade sign with new illuminated blade, same size, same location. 24"x 24", Just salad logo, blue background with white logo. Assorted white window lettering, door with hours, logo on front glass.

Applicant: Phil Marcotty
Proposed Work: Redevelopment of the existing property at 7 Channel Center including the construction of a new 9-story building.


APP # 24.0702 FPC 319 A STREET: Install (1) set of fabricated aluminum letters 
to existing I beam canopy on west elevation to read: "Citrus & Salt."

APP # 24.0648 FPC 5 NECCO STREET: Replacement of a portion of the existing top floor glass wall with an approximately 7’-10” x 23’-4” foot folding door.




David Berarducci, Susan Goganian, Lynn Smiledge, Vacancy, Vacancy Alternates: Thomas Rodde, Vacancy

originally published 03.06.24

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Love Our Historic District? We Are Looking For Commissioners.

If you love our Fort Point Historic District, the City is looking for Commissioners to serve on the Fort Point Channel Landmark District Commission (FPCLDC)Their goal is to fill all vacancies within the next two weeks.  

The Fort Point Channel Landmark District (FPCLD) encompasses roughly 55 acres across the Fort Point Channel from downtown Boston. Developed in the 1830s by the Boston Wharf Company and owned by the company until the early 2000s, the Fort Point Channel area is Boston’s largest, most cohesive, and most significant collection of late 19th and early 20th century industrial loft buildings. For greater historical background, please check out the Fort Point Channel Landmark District Study Report.

The Fort Point Channel Landmark District Commission (FPCLDC) meets on the second Thursday of each month to review exterior alterations. 

If you are a residential property owner or commercial property owner for two years or more within our historic district boundaries, you are eligible. Please read below for exact specifications.

At this time, there are three vacant seats: one full resident property owner seat and two business/commercial property owner seats (full and alternate). Here are the qualifications:

a. All members and alternates from the district shall have established primary residence or property ownership of no less than two years within the District. 

b. The full residential member shall have established primary residency in the District and be a resident owner/occupant

c. The other member and alternate shall be commercial property owners in the District. They are not required to be residents of the District. 

If you are interested in serving or have questions, please contact FPNA (Fort Point Neighborhood Association) today with your contact information, a brief resume, and why you are interested in serving. Those with architectural or historic preservation experience are especially encouraged to apply. FPNA is a nominating organization to the Fort Point Channel Landmark District Commission. 

originally published 03.03.24

Monday, March 18, 2024

Happenings This Week & Next Plus Opportunities For Feedback

3/18: updated with cancelation of Citrus & Salt Abutter's Meeting. New date tbd.

3/12: South Boston Innovation Campus Joint Impact Advisory Group and Public Meeting  to review NPC for Building 2 at 2 Harbor St. within the South Boston designated port area (DPA). at 6pm. View NPC

3/13: AIR POLLUTION CONTROL COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING at 2:30pm Application for a Modified South Boston Parking Freeze Permit from Howard Stein Hudson on behalf of Channelside Acquisitions, LLC ( 244–284 A St) for 345 commercial spaces and 70 residential excluded spaces in a garage.

3/13: SAVR / 150 Seaport Blvd Abutter's Meeting at 7pm. Proposal: Outdoor seating addition of 54 seats. View meeting recording and enter passwordG22U0nX^

3/14: Wetlands and Waterways (Chapter 91) climate resilience draft regulations office hours from 1:30-4:00pm. Register. There will be a final office hours on April 3 from 1:30-4:00pm. Register. Please note that questions are being requested in advance. See the bottom of the page for details*. 

3/14: BPDA Board Meeting 

3/18: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS WORKING SESSION ON DOCKET #0257,  A working session to discuss an Ordinance creating the City of Boston Planning Department, at 10am.

3/19: Boston Civic Design Committee meetings at 5pm: 232 A St. is on the agenda B. To receive agenda notifications, sign up (at bottom of the page). 

3/19: Citrus & Salt / Abutter's Meeting at 6pm. Proposal: Patio seating Cancelled and will be rescheduled.

3/21: Sign Code Modernization Kickoff Public Meeting at 6pm. BPDA staff will give an overview of the project’s scope, discuss the history of Boston’s signage and sign regulations, and highlight some of the issues hindering the City’s sign code today. The presentation will be followed by an open discussion session to ask questions about the project and collaboratively investigate what the future of Boston’s signage should look like.  View Sign Code Modernization zoning initiative.

3/22:  CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS WORKING SESSION ON DOCKET #0257, a working session to discuss an Ordinance creating the City of Boston Planning Department, at 10am.

3/23: Revelry and Revolution: An Evacuation Day Harbor Cruise from 1pm to 3pm by the National Park Service, DCR and Boston Harbor Now.  Limited tickets available.

Comment Deadlines

3/12: EEA#8161  2 Harbor St Building 2 PNC (Project Commencement Notice) comment deadline  to MEPA analyst

3/25:  EEA#16746 232 A Street DEIR comments due to MEPA analyst

3/25: EEA#16746 Reserved Channel Special Review Procedure Request comments due to MEPA analyst

3/28: EEA# 15985 Commonwealth Pier Revitalization NPC Comment Deadline Alexander Strysky

4/30: Extended Public Comment Period closes at 5pm for all MassDEP climate resilience draft regulations.

  • Send Waterways Resilience comments to with Waterways Resilience Comments in the subject line.
  • Send Wetlands Resilience comments to with Wetlands-401 Resilience Comments in the subject line.

*MassDEP Office Hours: Participants are encouraged to submit questions about the Wetlands/401WQC regulations, Stormwater Handbook, and/or Waterways regulations in advance of the session(s) you plan to attend.

  • Questions submitted in advance (preferably at least one week) of an Office Hours session will be prioritized. “Live” questions will be considered, as time permits. 
  • MassDEP may choose not to address questions at these sessions if not received sufficiently in advance or if the question requires extensive evaluation.
  • Please refrain from asking site-specific questions related to projects you may be involved in.
  • Submit questions here.
originally published  03.12.24

Friday, March 15, 2024

Southie St. Patrick's Day Parade & Road Race This Sunday!

The St. Patrick's/Evacuation Day Parade is Sunday, March 17, 2024. The 3.5 mile parade will begin at 1pm, starting at Broadway Station before making its way past Medal of Honor Park and ending at Andrew Square. Broadway will be closed to traffic from approximately 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Where to watch? If you are looking to take in the parade from one of the many restaurants
along the route, or are looking to take in the parade with the masses, Broadway, especially between Broadway Station and L Street, is a great place to be. If you are looking to avoid the crowds, great options include taking in the parade from Medal of Honor Park or Thomas Park, as well as a street on the route other than Broadway.

The St. Patrick’s Day Road Race will also take place on Sunday beginning at 11 AM.  Runners will follow the famous parade route, 2 hours before the parade steps off.  The race starts and ends at the Boys & Girls Club (230 West 6th), left on Dorchester St, down E Broadway and back to W Broadway, left on E, left on West 6th, and will end at 12 pm. 

Before these two events start is the St. Patrick's Day Breakfast hosted by Senator Collins at the  Ironworkers Local 7 Union Hall and broadcast live starting at 10am on Caught in Southie's Instagram page, Irish Hit Parade Radio and Boston Neighborhood Network Media

To accommodate the race and parade and staging/dispersal and clean-up, drivers should expect the following roads to be closed to vehicular traffic. Street closures effected by the parade will start as early as 5 AM and streets closures from the road race will start around 9 AM.

Tow Zone, No Stopping, Boston Police Special Event Sunday
Additional parking restrictions that will be implemented temporarily to support Sunday’s events are as follows:
  • A Street, Both sides, from Binford Street to West Second Street
  • Binford Street, Both sides, from A Street heading northwesterly to end at 45 Binford Street
  • West Second Street, Both sides, from Dorchester Avenue to A Street
  • Dorchester Avenue, both sides from Gillette Park to Old Colony Avenue
  • Dorchester Avenue, both sides, from Dorchester Street to Damrell Street
  • Foundry Street, both sides, from Greenbaum Street to Dorchester Avenue
  • West Fourth Street, Both sides, from B Street to Dorchester Avenue
  • West Broadway, Both sides, from Dorchester Avenue to Dorchester Street
  • East Broadway, Both sides, from Dorchester Street to P Street
  • P Street, Both sides, from East Broadway to East Fourth Street
  • East Fourth Street, Both sides, from P Street to K Street
  • K Street, Both sides, from East Fourth Street to East Fifth Street
  • East Fifth Street, Both sides, from K Street to G Street
  • G Street, Both sides, from East Fifth Street to #96 G Street
  • Thomas Park, Both sides of southerly arm (opposite normal traffic flow), from G Street to Telegraph Street
  • Telegraph Street, Both sides, from Thomas Park to Dorchester Street
  • Dorchester Street, Both sides, from Telegraph Street to Dorchester Avenue
  • Damrell Street, Both sides, from Old Colony Avenue to Dorchester Avenue
The Channelside parking lot at 45 Binford St offers $5 dollar weekend day parking in 24 hour 5am - 5am intervals. 

South Boston resident parking sticker holders can find alternative parking accommodations starting at 6pm  Saturday, March 16th through 8pm Sunday, March 17th at the Marine Park Garage at 12 Drydock Ave.

Other Southie fun facts for March 17th: Liquor Stores will close at 4pm. All bars and restaurants in 02127 will close between 6-6:30pm and patrons will need to leave by 7:30pm. There will be zero tolerance and a $200 citation for public drinking or public cannabis consumption. 

Monday, March 11, 2024

24 Farnsworth MA Emergency Shelter Information Session March 1st

updated 3/11 with UUA donation opportunities.

Dear Neighbors,

Many of you have reached out asking how you may offer support to the guest families temporarily staying at 24 Farnsworth. The UUA is offering donation opportunities here

On February 7th, the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services notified FPNA that the Healey-Driscoll Administration was considering establishing an Emergency Family Shelter at 24 Farnsworth Street, the world headquarters of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Over the past three weeks, FPNA created two lists of questions with the assistance of neighbors closest to the site. They can be found here. Responses have been posted here. For more information and for contact information, visit the SafetyNet Shelter Feedback - United Way of Massachusetts Bay (

At Tuesday night's FPNA Neighborhood Gathering, the Healey-Driscoll Administration informed the neighborhood that a Shelter will be opening as soon as next week at 24 Farnsworth Street.

On behalf of the Healey-Driscoll Administration, the United Way and the Unitarian Universalist Association, we are helping to spread the word that they will be hosting a Fort Point Neighborhood Information Session on Friday, March 1st from 6pm to 7:30pm via zoom regarding the Emergency Family Shelter at 24 Farnsworth.  If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, we encourage you to attend

As we hear more, we will be in touch. 



Healey-Driscoll Administration, United Way & Unitarian Universalist Association
24 Farnsworth Information Session

Tuesday, March 05, 2024

MA Presidential Primary: Early Voting & Election Day

MA Presidential Primary

Early Voting: continues through Friday, March 1st. At City Hall, Tuesday and Thursdays hours are 9am to 8pm and Wednesday and Friday hours are 9am to 5pm. Click here for complete list of early voting locations to choose from.

Election Day: Tuesday, March 5th from 7am to 8pm.

On Ballot: Presidential candidates, State Committee man and State Committee woman and Ward Committee members if applicable. 

Sample BallotsDemocraticRepublican and LibertarianVoters who are note enrolled in a political party, commonly called “independents,” may choose to vote in the Democratic, Republican, or Libertarian Primary without becoming a member of a party. Voters enrolled in a political party may vote only in their own party’s primary.

Neighborhood Election Day Voting Location: If you are registered to vote in District 6, Wards 11 & 12, there is a new voting location for this primary election. The polling location is The Paseo, a public ground floor/lobby connecting 55 Pier 4 Blvd and 111 Harbor Way. Hours are 7am to 8pm. 

published 2.27.24