Thursday, December 08, 2022

Fort Point Landmarks December 2022 Meeting

updated 12/08/22 with 338 Congress St presentation

will hold a public hearing on:

Thursday, December 8, 2022
6:00 PM
This hearing will be held virtually and NOT in person. 
You can participate in this hearing by going to the Zoom meeting link or by
calling  929-436-2866 and entering meeting id 939 1602 6352# You can also submit written comments or questions to FortPointLDC@boston.


APP # 23.0438 FPC   315 A STREET  
Applicant: Brett Bentson
Proposed work: Install permanent support brackets for removable flood barriers at ground floor openings.

APP # 23.0384 FPC       338 CONGRESS STREET  
Applicant: Peggy Siepka
Proposed work: Update signage to reflect brand change. At interior remove "Bank" from lettersets located behind glass; at southwest exterior reface flag sign, remove and install channel letters, install vinyl logos; at southeast exterior install wall plaque, door hours sign, vinyl logos, remove and install channel letters.




David Berarducci, Susan Goganian, John Karoff, Lynn Smiledge, Vacancy
Alternates: Thomas Rodde, Vacancy

originally published 12.05.22 

Monday, December 05, 2022

What You Need To Know This Week

Seaport Square planning is nearing completion. Make sure it is adding what you want to the neighborhood by attending tonight's (12/5) public meeting. The City is working on a permanent outdoor dining program and wants your feedback Monday (12/5) or Tuesday (12/6) night. On Wednesday night (12/7), there is a community meeting for another Life Sciences building project in Fort Point's historic district. The Fort Point Channel Landmark District Commission is holding their December meeting Thursday (12/8) night. If you are a Fort Point resident or business property owner who is interested in serving as a Fort Point Landmark Commissioner, please contact FPNA.

December 5: The Boston Planning & Development  Agency (BPDA) is hosting a Seaport Square Public Meeting at 6pm to discuss Notice of Project Change (NPC) and amendments to the Planned Development Area (PDA) including project impacts and mitigation. Attend to find out what remains to be be built and give feedback on what is needed to create a complete neighborhood. Will it be climate resilient, reduce urban heat and protect the neighborhood from flooding? Will it include civic, cultural spaces? A park? Affordable Housing? Residential homes separate from Life Sciences Labs? How many more labs do we need? Register. Also, see December 6th for update at BCDC.

Seaport Square Proposed Changes in blue

December 5: Outdoor Dining Listening Session at 6pm to hear from residents and restaurants on tbe goals of a permanent outdoor dining program with updates from the City. Register. This listening session will be repeated December 6th. Send questions/comments to

December 6:  Outdoor Dining Listening Session at 6pm to hear from residents and restaurants on tbe goals of a permanent outdoor dining program with updates from the City. Register. This listening session is a repeat the one held December 5th. 

December 6: Seaport Square is at the Boston Civic Design Commission (BCDC) to provide an update on changes to building uses, location, and open space in the PDA and NPC.

December 7: 7 Channel Center Public/IAG Meeting at 6pm The proposed project is to redevelop an existing historic 3 story building into a 9 story office/labs Life Sciences building. This project requires a Notice of Project Change and an amended Planned Development Area. What is the right use, residential or labs? Public safety concerns? What about ground floor use to activate the street and provide a service to neighbors?

7 Channel Center Life Sciences Labs Proposal

December 8: Fort Point Channel Landmarks District Commission December meeting at 6pm. View agenda 

Thursday, December 01, 2022

Holiday Events With A Mix of Life Sciences, Seaport Square Expansion, Climate Resilience & Cycling

updated 12/1 with Mayor Wu's Sunday, December 4 Enchanted Trolley Tour & Tree Lighting and new 7 Channel Center Public meeting date.

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving and inviting you all to enjoy holiday events and a couple developments going on in the neighborhood. 

November 29: FPNA Fort Point Seaport Holiday Social at The Holiday Market at Snowport from 6pm-8pm. R.S.V.P. required.

November 30: Boston Harbor Now’s Harbor Use Forum on CFROD (Climate Resilient Flood Overlay District) at 8:30am. Find out how designs are evolving, and what designers, developers, and advocates should know about CFROD.

November 30: 17 Farnsworth St Impact Advisory Group Public Meeting at 6pm. Replace existing, 361-vehicle parking garage built in 1986 with four-story life science building. In addition, per CFROD, dry flood-proof at least two feet above Sea Level Rise Base Flood Elevation (19.5 ft. BCB).

December 1: South Boston Christmas Stroll, Shop, Dine, Splurge, starts at 4pm. View the details and where Santa is visiting at 2022 Christmas Stroll Schedule - South Boston Chamber of Commerce

December 1: Winter Cycling Clinic with Seaport TMA & MassBike from 5pm to 6:30pm. Curious about biking into work in the winter, but hesitant about how to get going? Learn best practices about cycling in the window. Meet up at The Benjamin, 25 Northern Ave.

December 2: LightUp Seaport from 5pm - 9pm with holiday tunes, a celeb appearance by Betty the Yeti, and annual tree lighting on Seaport Common. Enjoy special offers and sparkling surprises at neighborhood businesses as you stroll.

December 4: 26th Annual Enchanted Trolley Tour & Tree Lighting with Mayor Wu and Santa at Medal of Honor Park (E. Broadway & M Streets). Festivities start at 2pm. 

December 5: Seaport Square Public Meeting at 6pm to discuss Notice of Project Change and amendments to the Planned Development Area including project impacts and mitigation.

December 7: 7 Channel Center Public/IAG Meeting at 6pm The proposed project is to redevelop an existing historic 4 story building into a 9 story office/labs Life Sciences building. This project requires a Notice of Project Change and an amended Planned Development Area.

ongoing through December 31st, the Holiday Market at Snowport welcomes over 120 small businesses to fill your gift list. 

originally published 11.23.22