updated 02/14/22 with February 22nd comment deadline and supplemental information.
A Resilient Fort Point Channel Infrastructure Project Environmental Notification Form (ENF) has been submitted on behalf of the City
of Boston and Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA) for the
construction of:
- a 2,090 linear foot (lf) mixed berm and floodwall
mitigation structure with 14 outfall backflow prevention flap gates along a
portion of the Fort Point Channel’s southeast shoreline between approximately
15 Necco Street and Dorchester Avenue.
- the installation
of three interim flood protection barriers across the western end of Necco
Court, A Street under the Summer Street overpass, and West Service Road under
the Summer Street overpass.
The purpose of the project is to reduce flood
damage and provide protection to nearby populations, infrastructure, utilities,
and structures in the 100 Acres Master Planning Area, which is bounded by the
Fort Point Channel to the west, Summer Street to the north, the South Boston
Bypass Road/Haul Road to the east, and West Second Street to the south, and
portions of South Boston. The project was also discussed at the FPNA Neighborhood Gathering Kickoff on January 25th by Joe Christo, Senior Resilience and Waterfront Planner, BPDA Climate Change and Environmental Planning. View Presentation. View from Dorchester Ave Toward Summer St Bridge
February 1, 2022 Online Public Site Visit
The project will permanently impact 760 lf of
Coastal Bank and 68,887 sf of Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage (LSCSF) and
temporarily impact 60,273 sf of LSCSF. The project will involves removal
of 1.3 acres of impervious area.
project requires the submission of an ENF pursuant to 301 CMR 11.03(3)(b)(1)(a)
and 11.03(3)(b)(1)(f) because it requires a State Agency Action and involves
the alteration of Coastal Bank and greater than ½ or more acres of any
other wetlands.
The project requires:
- a Chapter 91 (c. 91) License from the
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)
- an Order of Conditions from the Boston Conservation
Commission, or in the case of an appeal, a Superseding Order of Conditions from
The project is receiving a Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant for
$10,000,000 from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) via the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Comments will be welcome in writing until
February 22, 2022 (new date) and may be submitted via email to Erin Flaherty, Environmental Analyst, Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act Office
A Certificate on the ENF will be issued on February
25, 2022 (need revised date). Deadlines may be extended. Please check the New
Environmental Monitor for up to date comment period deadlines.
originally published 01.24.22