Wednesday, May 26, 2021

F ST & E ST Directional Change Meeting Tonight (5/26)

FPNA strives to keep neighbors informed of City changes that could impact the quality of our lives. Yesterday it was discovered that there is a proposal to change the direction of traffic on E Street and F Street from two way traffic to one way North, away from West Broadway, through to 1st Street. This change would prohibit driving to the rest of South Boston from other than via A Street, Dorchester Street, I Street or Summer Street. FPNA shared this information at its May Fort Point Seaport Neighborhood Gathering last night.

The City's Office of Neighborhood Services and the Boston Transportation Department is looking for community input in making the decision via a survey and at a Community Meeting being hosted by the City tonight at 5:30pm should you want additional information.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021
5:30 pm
Webex Meeting Link:
Meeting Number: 173 540 8335
Meeting Password: oneway

Please take the Survey —>

Thursday, May 20, 2021

FPNA Neighborhood Gathering: Rep. Biele, Menya Jiro, John Barros & Alex Gray

Fort Point Seaport

Neighborhood Gathering

Tuesday, May 25, 2021
6 pm to 8 pm
Zoom Sign In


Our C-6 Community Service Officers

State Representative David Biele
Answering Our Questions On
State Projects Impacting Our Community


Menya Jiro
50 Northern Ave

requesting a beer & wine license

John Barros
Mayoral Candidate Spotlight

Alex Gray
City Councilor-At-Large Candidate

Neighborhood & Committee Updates

Cannabis, Development & Transportation

Monday, May 17, 2021

Baker-Polito Administration To Lift COVID Restrictions May 29, State to Meet Vaccination Goal by Beginning of June

BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced that the Commonwealth is on track to meet the goal of vaccinating 4.1 million residents by the first week of June and all remaining COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted effective May 29.

The Commonwealth’s face covering order will also be rescinded on May 29. The Department of Public Health will issue a new face covering advisory consistent with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s updated guidance. Face coverings will still be mandatory for all individuals on public and private transportation systems (including rideshares, livery, taxi, ferries, MBTA, Commuter Rail and transportation stations), in healthcare facilities and in other settings hosting vulnerable populations, such as congregate care settings.


Governor Charlie Baker will end the State of Emergency June 15.


The Administration also announced updates that will be effective May 18 to revise face covering requirements for youth and amateur sports and other guidance relating to childcare programs and K-12 schools. The Administration will release updated guidance for summer camps effective May 29.


The Administration is able to take these steps to reopen the Commonwealth’s economy because Massachusetts is on track to meet the goal set in December to fully vaccinate over 4 million individuals by the first week of June. The Commonwealth leads the nation in vaccinating residents, with 75% of adults receiving at least one dose. To date, over 4 million residents have received a first dose, with 3.2 million fully vaccinated.


New cases have dropped by 89% since January 8. COVID hospitalizations are down 88% since January 1 and the positive test rate is down by 88% from peaking at 8.7% on January 1 to 1% today.


Effective May 29


Effective May 29, all industries will be permitted to open. With the exception of remaining face-covering requirements for public and private transportation systems and facilities housing vulnerable populations, all industry restrictions will be lifted, and capacity will increase to 100% for all industries. The gathering limit will be rescinded.


All industries will be encouraged to follow CDC guidance for cleaning and hygiene protocols.


On May 18, 2020, the Administration published the reopening phases, which called for ending restrictions when vaccines became widely available. Today, there are over 975 locations for Massachusetts residents to access vaccines without delay.


Face Covering Guidance


In line with updated CDC face covering guidance, the Administration will rescind the current face covering order and issue a new face covering advisory effective May 29.


Non-vaccinated individuals are advised to continue wearing face masks and to continue distancing in most settings. The advisory will also recommend fully vaccinated individuals no longer need to wear a face covering or social distance indoors or outdoors except for in certain situations.


Face coverings will still be required for all individuals on public and private transportation (including rideshares, livery, taxi, ferries, MBTA, Commuter Rail and transportation stations), healthcare facilities and providers, congregate care settings and health and rehabilitative day services.


Face coverings will also remain required indoors for staff and students of K-12 schools and early education providers.


Link to mask guidance


Youth and Amateur Sports Face Covering Guidance


Effective May 18, the youth and amateur sports guidance will be updated to no longer require face coverings for youth athletes 18 and under while playing outdoor sports. Effective May 29, all youth and amateur sports restrictions will be lifted.


Link to youth sports guidance


K-12, Early Education and Summer Camp Guidance


Effective May 18, guidance from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Department of Early Education and Care will be updated to no longer require masks for outdoor activities like recess and to allow for the sharing of objects in classrooms, in both K-12 and childcare settings. This guidance will remain in effect beyond May 29.


The Administration will release updated guidance for summer camps, effective May 29, which will include no longer requiring masks for outdoor activities.


Link to DESE guidance

Link to EEC guidance


State of Emergency Order


Governor Baker will end the State of Emergency​ June 15, and the Administration will work with legislative and municipal partners during this period in order to manage an orderly transition from emergency measures adopted by executive order and special legislation during the period of the State of Emergency.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Love Your Block Is Turning Sweet 16 Saturday

FPNA celebrates their sixteenth annual Love Your Block on May 15, 2021. Love Your Block is run in conjunction with the City's volunteer spring clean up program. 

With the phased opening of our neighborhood, our first spring outdoor event will be a cleanup. We hope that as Covid restrictions ease, we will have an opportunity to host other beautification events like plantings and gardening. 
Be an outdoor adventurer and help spruce up your neighborhood on:

Saturday, May 15, 2021
10 am - 1 pm
Wormwood Park (Wormwood & A Sts) M eetup 
Tools & gloves will be provided. Please wear you mask.

We will meet at Wormwood Park and then disperse to the following cleanup locations:
  • A Street 
  • Congress St.
  • Melcher St.
  • Gillette Beach and Harborwalk
  • Northern Avenue Bridge (Seaport side only)
  • Banks of the Fort Point Channel: clean up by boat will occur in June. 
Drop in for an hour or hang out with neighbors the whole time. How much of the neighborhood shines depends on you. Please volunteer! 

Attention Melcher Street resident sticker parkers: Annual street cleaning takes place Saturday, May 15th from 10 am to 1 pm. Please make it easier on volunteers and Boston Public Works by moving you car by 9 am Saturday. 

Reminder: Face mask required. 
Wear clothes and sneakers that you don't mind getting dirty. 

originally published 05.06.21

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Fort Point Landmarks May 2021 Meeting Thursday

updated 05/12/21 with change to agenda and applicant presentations.


Thursday, May 13, 2021
6:00 PM

This hearing will be held virtually and NOT in person. 
You can participate in this hearing by going to our Zoom meeting link 
or by calling 929-205-6099 and entering meeting id 850 5871 0856 # 
You can also submit written comments or questions to 

I.  Violations

APP # 21.0754 FPC   253 Summer Street *WITHDRAWN BY STAFF*
Applicant: COJE Management Group
Proposed Work: Ratify a patio expansion, including the installation of pavers, planters, lighting, furniture, and associated landscaping (Violation # VIO.21.009).


APP # 21.0760 FPC  22 Boston Wharf Road
Applicant: COJE Management Group
Proposed Work: At the front façade ground level, remove two storefront systems and install new aluminum storefront with double door entry and new storefront infill.  

APP # 21.0890 FPC  46 Farnsworth Street
Applicant: 22 Boston Wharf Road Owner, LP
Proposed work: At the front façade ground level storefront, paint the entry doors to match new assembly at no. 44 Farnsworth, remove solid material in transom and install glazing, replace hardware, and install granite around perimeter frame.

APP # 21.0889 FPC  51 Sleeper Street
Applicant:  Sergio Guzman, DMD, MSD
Proposed work: At the ground level storefronts, relocate main entrance, install new storefronts and a take-out window, and strip non-historic brick cladding from piers. Remove non-historic bollards and regrade walkways. Install new signage at the ground floor and near the rooftop. At the roof, add ventilation and mechanical equipment.

III Advisory Review

40 Channel Center Street Proposed work: Install a roof deck. 

IV Ratification of 4/08/2021 FPCLDC Public Hearing Minutes

V Staff Updates

VI Projected Adjournment 8:00 pm

David Berarducci, Susan Goganian, John Karoff, Lynn Smiledge, Vacancy
Alternates: Thomas Rodde, Vacancy

Thursday, May 06, 2021

Fort Point Channel Watersheet Activation Grants Available

Bolstering the Janey Administration's ongoing work to create a waterfront that is accessible to all, the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) and the Fort Point Channel Operations Board are accepting applications for the 2021 Fort Point Channel Watersheet Activation Grant Program.  

Now in its tenth year, the program provides financial resources for capital improvements and public programming within and along the Fort Point Channel, as envisioned in the Fort Point Channel Watersheet Activation Plan. The plan was established in 2002 through a collaborative effort between the BPDA, City of Boston, landowners, nonprofit and cultural leaders, and residents to encourage new cultural activities and year-round programming in Fort Point.

Approximately $50,000 is available to organizations for the 2021 grant cycle. The competitive grant seeks creative proposals for water-based programming in and around Fort Point that will benefit the general public, including such things as new water-based infrastructure, public events, art installations, and educational opportunities.

To be eligible, an organization must be tax-exempt or operate under the fiscal sponsorship of a tax-exempt nonprofit. For-profit organizations may be eligible for funding at the discretion of the Fort Point Channel Operations Board if the project constitutes a not-for-profit, public project.

Applications are due on Friday, June 4, 2021 at 5 PM. Funding for the grants stems from the Chapter 91 Waterways Regulations License for Atlantic Wharf, a project developed by Boston Properties.