updated 10/09/20 with link to meeting video. The presentation link added 10/08/20
The Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA) will be hosting their third 244-284 A Street (former Channelside parking lot) Public Community meeting on October 7 from 6 pm to 8 pm. This meeting will focus on urban design and climate resiliency.
Through multiple initiatives, the City of Boston (including the Boston Water & Sewer Commission's new inundation modeling) is preparing for 40 inches of sea level rise by 2070. What sea level rise and stormwater management techniques will be deployed? How will these solutions interact with adjacent 15 and 5 Necco, the Gillette campus and the inner neighborhood? How will climate resiliency be incorporated into the design of the three proposed new buildings? What more will we discover about the building massing and height, extreme heat and wind conditions and shadows?
BPDA staff will be joined by colleagues from the City of Boston Environment Department and staff from the Boston Water & Sewer Commission.
In the Urban Design discussion, understand the development's compatibility with its surroundings in terms of massing, height, materials, ornamentation, landscaping, and access.
244 - 284 A Street: Urban Design & Climate Resiliency
Wednesday October 7, 2020
After learning about the proposed development in this phase of public meetings, there will be the opportunity to file written comments and ask for more information and analysis. Your comments and questions will form the scope of work for the Project Impact Review that is the an in-depth specific filing responding to what is being presented this Fall.
Note: Due to the large scale of this project (6.5 acres, office, residential and life sciences plus Fort Point & Channel parks), it is being broken down into several topic specific meetings.
originally published 10.05.20