Friday, February 17, 2012

Sandblasting at Channel Center

Sandblasting is starting on the 5 Channel Center project.  The last time they did sandblasting, it was very loud you and they didn't stay within normal work hours ( see this post for details).  If there are issues this time, I'll remind everyone that city residents can always call Inspectional Services: 617.635.1010.


Please be advised that sand blasting at 5 Channel Center on the interior of the building will begin on Tuesday, February 21st.  This means the large pieces of equipment that are currently on site will be operating and producing noise.  The work will be done between the hours of 7 am and 3 pm, Monday-Friday.  The sand blasting work is scheduled to be completed within three weeks from its start date.

Please let me know of any issues or concerns regarding this matter.

Thanks,  Anthony

Anthony Pagliarulo | Property Manager
CB Richard Ellis/New England | Property Management
10 Channel Center Street, Suite 510 | Boston, MA 02210
T 617.423.1273| F 617.423.6270| C 617.318.7327

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