Sunday, January 29, 2012

Parking Behind Channel Center Now Residents Only

from FPNA:
January 28, 2012

Dear Fort Point Residents & Neighbors,

We are very pleased to announce that beginning on Wednesday February 1st  the parking area along the USPS fence, behind the Channel Center, will become a Resident Parking Area, regulated by the City of Boston.

The Resident Sticker regulations that are now posted are:
Monday thru Friday
8 AM to 6 PM 
NO Tandem Parking
Residents of the Fort Point neighborhood of South Boston are encouraged to secure a Resident Parking Sticker, available at Boston City Hall or on line @

The Fort Point Neighborhood Association appreciates the joint efforts of the USPS and the City of Boston, Department of Transportation for making this new Resident Parking Area available and for their support of the Fort Point Neighborhood.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Discussion on Greenspace, Mon, 6:30 PM

Fort Point Neighborhood Association (FPNA) and Fort Point Arts Community Inc. (FPAC) present:

A Community Discussion of

Date: Monday January 30, 2012
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: 10 Channel Center 2nd Fl
This meeting, first in a series, is focused on Fort Point neighborhood greenspace
planning objectives including recreational parks, dog runs and tot lots. Residents
of the community familiar with the 100 Acres Plan and Seaport planning process
will provide a brief history of Fort Point public realm planning, existing
commitments and a status update. Moderators will facilitate an open discussion
with the community.  FPNA and FPAC thank Commonwealth Ventures for providing a venue for this meeting.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Synergy Buys 250 Summer St for $25m

250 Summer St. sold for $25 million

Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 11:25am EST
Thomas Grillo
The eight-story office building at 250-260 Summer St. in Boston’s Fort Point neighborhood has been sold to Synergy Investment & Development for $25 million.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Concert at 10 Channel Center this Friday

Concert: Jake Meginsky, Bill Nace and Vic Rawlings Trio, and Brendan Murray

Friday, January 27 at 8pm
10 Channel Center St.
suggested donation $10

The trio of Jake Meginsky, Bill Nace and Vic Rawlings will begin a weekend of performances in the area on Friday, January 27 at Studio Soto,   8pm.  Free Improvisation.  Also appearing will be Brendan Murray.  

bios: VIC RAWLINGS (cello/ electronics) employs a still and unstable sound language ranging from visceral excess to extreme austerity. He uses an amplified cello augmented with extensive and invasive preparations of his design, adapted from Baroque-era designs.  On this instrument he has developed a vocabulary of extended techniques, approaching near-total abstraction from the cello.  As an entirely separate unit, he uses and continually develops an electronic instrument with a highly unstable interface, acoustically realized by an array of exposed speaker elements. 

Rawlings primarily presents improvised music in the predictable settings and durations.  Exceptions to this are installation-length performances and a series of performances in standard music venues that suspend concepts of site, context, and content.    
Longtime collaborators include Greg Kelley, Liz Tonne, James Coleman, Bhob Rainey, Mike Bullock, Tim Feeney, Bryan Eubanks, Chris Cogburn, Tatsuya Nakatani, Ricardo Arias, Jake Meginsky, Jason Lescalleet, and Laurence Cook.  He has collaborated with Ikue Mori, Eddie Prevost, Jaap Blonk, Daniel Carter, Donald Miller, and Andrea Neumann.  He has performed the works of Christian Wolff (with the composer), Michael Pisaro (with the composer), Stockhausen, Cage, and Cardew.  He has toured extensively and has appeared at: Victoriaville (Quebec), Musique Action (Nancy, France), Vision (NYC), Cha'ak'ab Paaxil (Merida, Mexico), Improvised and Otherwise (NYC), Festival of New Trumpet Music (NYC), and No Idea (Austin, TX).  His recordings are on: Grob, RRR, Sedimental, Absurd, Emanem, Intransitive, Boxmedia, Semata, YDLMIER, Cathnor, and Rykodisc, among many others. His writings on music/ instrumentation and contemporary music education have been published in Leonardo Music Journal and Intransitive Magazine.

He has authored sound-based music and listening curricula that engage students at all levels in participatory experiences in which they often encounter unfamiliar experiential/ aesthetic territory.  He presents in settings ranging from Ivy-League Universities to juvenile detention facilities.  This has included an extended residency teaching collective improvisation to Electronic Music Composition to students at Harvard University as well as multiple residencies (ranging from single-day to an 8-week intensive course) in sound and electroacoustic instrument-making in elementary- and secondary-school settings ranging from suburban Massachusetts to a rural village in Yucatan, Mexico.  Other visiting artist/ teaching residencies have included Oberlin Conservatory, MIT, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, Princeton University, Dartmouth College, Wesleyan University, and Tinicum Art and Science High School, among many Universities, elementary- and secondary-schools in many states.

BILL NACE is an itinerant guitarist in the improv-minstrel mode. His best known projects are X.O.4, Northampton Wools (with Thurston Moore), Vampire Belt (with Chris Corsano), and in duo with Chirs Cooper.  He works happily without a net in a variety of settings.---B. Coley

Originally from Springfield, Massachusetts, JAKE MEGINSKY has collaborated and performed with such artists as Joan Labarbara, Milford Graves, Greg Kelley, Bhob Rainey, Joe McPhee, Vic Rawlings, Sabir Mateen, Tatsuya Nakatani, William Parker, John Blum, Daniel Carter, Paul Flaherty, Arthur Brooks, and Bill Nace. His work in composition, performance and sound installation has been presented in a wide variety of venues, including Vision Festival, The USDAN Gallery, The Center for Performance Research, Joyce SoHo Presents, Dance Theater Workshop, The Stone, Improvised and Otherwise, The No Fun Festival, The Flea Theater, Free 103, Work in the Performance of Improvisation (Bennington College, VT), Arts Center for the Capital Region (Troy, NY), Pioneer Arts Center (Easthampton, MA), The Fisher Center for the Performing Arts (Bard College, NY) and as a guest artist-in-residence at the University of Iowa. In 2006, Jake completed a national performance tour as musical director for Susan Sgorbati's Emergent Improvisation Project, performing at such venues as The Neurosciences Institute (La Jolla, CA), Bennington College (Bennington, VT), Flynn Center for the Performing Arts (Burlington, VT), and the New England Complex Systems Institute (Cambridge, MA).

BRENDAN MURRAY is a musician who uses digital processing, percussion, tuned instruments and analog synthesis to create large-scale compositions based in drone, pulse and repetition. Currently active as a solo performer and in numerous collaborative projects with filmmakers, writers and other musicians across the United States. He lives in North Cambridge, MA.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Music Tonight at 10 Channel Center [STUDIO.soto]

A Variation of Sets by Phill Niblock / Katherine Liberovskaya / Al Margolis (If, Bwana)

live sound and video mix concert
Thursday, January 12th at 8pm
10 Channel Center St., Boston
suggested donation $10

 • Part 1: Katherine Liberovskaya, live video and Al Margolis (If, Bwana),music (prerecorded and live sounds) (approx. 30min)
 * Part 2: Al Margolis (If, Bwana) music (prerecorded and live sounds)(approx. 30min)
 * Part 3: Live Video by Katherine Liberovskaya, with live mixing of audio pieces by Phill Niblock. In this live set, Niblock mixes between audio pieces based on diverse field recordings which are very different from his music compositions. Liberovskaya mixes video with Jitter/Max/MSP from a vast personal database of clips shot over the past fifteen years.(approx. 40min)

a co-production of Mobius and Studio Soto, with special thanks to Non-Event, who will be producing a concert of Phill Niblock and his music in April.


Phill Niblock is an intermedia artist using music, film, photography, video and computers. He makes thick, loud drones of music, filled with microtones of instrumental timbres which generate many other tones in the performance space. Simultaneously, he presents films / videos which look at the movement of people working, or computer driven black and white abstract images floating through time. He was born in Indiana in 1933. Since the mid-60's he has been making music and intermedia performances which have been shown at numerous venues around the world. Since 1985, he has been the director ofthe Experimental Intermedia Foundation in New York(<>) where he has been an artist/member since 1968. He is the producer of Music and Intermedia presentations at EI since 1973 (about 1000 performances) and the curator ofEI's XI Records label. In 1993 was formed an Experimental Intermedia organization in Gent, Belgium - EI v.z.w. Gent - to support the artist-in-residence house and installations there. Phill Niblock's music is available on the XI, Moikai and Touch labels. A DVD of films and music is available on the Extreme label.

Katherine Liberovskaya is a video/media artist based in Montreal, Canada andNew York City. Involved in experimental video since the 80s, she has produced numerous videos, video installations and performances shown aroundthe world. Since 2001 her work mainly focuses on collaborations with composers/sound artists mainly in live video+sound performance. Among these:Phill Niblock, Al Margolis/If,Bwana, Keiko Uenishi (o.blaat), Zanana,Hitoshi Kojo, Tom Hamilton, David Watson, Anne Wellmer, David First, and many others. In addition to her art practice she has concurrently always been involved in the programming and organization of diverse media artevents, notably with Studio XX and Espace Vidéographe in Montreal, as well as Experimental Intermedia, NY (Screen Compositions 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,2009, 2010) and the OptoSonic Tea series at Diapason in NYC.

Al Margolis has been an activist in the 1980s American cassette underground through his cassette label Sound of Pig Music, co-founder of experimental music label Pogus Productions. Active under the name If, Bwana since 1984, making music that has swung between fairly spontaneous studio constructions and more process-oriented composition. Currently Margolis is label manager for Deep Listening, XI Records, and Mutable Music; plays bass guitar in the legendary punk/post-punk band Styrenes; and continues his work as If, Bwana. He has recorded and/or performed with Pauline Oliveros, Ione, Joan Osborne, Monique Buzzarté, Katherine Liberovskaya, Adam Bohman, Ellen Christi, Fred Lonberg-Holm, Jane Scarpantoni, Ulrich Krieger, David First, and Dave Prescott, among others.

Landmarking meeting tonight - New Room

Tonight's Landmarking Commission meeting has been moved to the Piemonte Room.  See below for details and full meeting announcement.

From: "Greeley, Caitlin"
Date: January 12, 2012 2:24:25 PM EST
Subject: Room Change--Piemonte Room

Dear Commissioners,
Due to a last-minute scheduling change, the hearing will be held in the Piemonte Room (Also on the 5th floor) rather than the Curley Room, in which it was originally scheduled.  This will be true of all hearings for the rest of the year.  Please feel free to contact me if you are unsure about how to find the Piemonte Room.

Caitlin Greeley
Preservation Planner
Aberdeen Architectural Conservation District Commission
Beacon Hill Architectural Commission
Fort Point Channel Landmark District Commission
City of Boston Environment Department
Boston City Hall, Room 805
Telephone: (617) 635-3850
Fax: (617) 635-3435

DATE: Thursday, January 12, 2012
TIME: 5:30 P.M.
Subject of the hearing will be applications for Certificates of Design Approval on the agenda below, reviews of architectural violations, and
such businesses as may come before the commission, in accordance with Chapter 772 of the Acts of 1975, as amended. Applications are
available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the Environment Department. Sign language interpreters are
available upon request.
Please ensure that all electronic devices are silenced prior to entering the hearing room.
After 5:30 p.m., enter and exit City Hall at the Dock Square entrance on Congress Street (across from Faneuil Hall).
David Berarducci, Susan Goganian, John Karoff, Yanni Tsipis, Michele Yeeles
Alternates: B.K. Boley, Kosta Ligris
5:30 PM
Application: 12.488 FPC 300 Summer Street (continued)
Applicant: Ellen Altman, Artist Building 300 Summer Street Cooperative: Proposal for masonry coating in order
to address water infiltration of masonry on rear elevation.
5:45 PM
Application: 12.669 FPC 51-61 Melcher Street
Applicant: John Barszewski, Melcher Street Holdings, LLC: Provide new accessible entry to building from
Melcher Street at eastern end of building, replace existing entry facade with facsimile of original entry
6:15 PM
Application: 12.670 FPC 49 Melcher Street
Applicant: John Matteson, W2005 BWH II: Repair and restore wood windows at ground level and 1st fl, replace all
windows on fls 2-10 with applied muntins, add new retail/restaurant entry from Melcher Street; additional
restoration/door replacement on Necco Court and passageway elevations.
6:45 PM
Application: 10.1403 FPC 319 A Street Rear, Continued
Applicant: James Gray, ADD Inc: Amendment to approved application for new construction to add adding Building
Integrated Photo Voltaic panels to the 319 A Street Rear mechanical screen and a roof mounted array on
the mechanical penthouse roof.

BCEC Expansion meeting 1/18, 100 Acres 1/30

from Cam:
Dear neighbors,

 The Fort Point Neighborhood Association is hosting three community meetings.  The first will address the expansion of the BCEC (Boston Convention & Exhibition Center), and has been scheduled on Jan. 18th at 6:30. A link to the expansion plan can be found at

We thank Add Inc for providing their offices at 311 Summer Street for our use.  BCEC executive director Jim Rooney and State Senator Jack Hart will attend. This gathering will provide a platform to learn about the latest version of their expansion plan and share concerns about its impact on Fort Point.

A community open space 100 Acres Plan meeting with only the neighborhood has been scheduled for Jan 30th at 6:30 on the second floor of 10 Channel Center. The link to the BRA 100 acres plan can be found at We thank Commonwealth Ventures for providing this venue for the meeting. Residents of the community familiar with the 100 Acres Plan and Seaport planning process will provide an update and facilitate further discussion.  This meeting is focused on the 100 Acres Plan and open space/public realm issues (including parks, dog runs and tot lots.) 

The third meeting will also focus on the 100 Acres Plan and other development issues. The BRA, Senator Hart, and other elected officials will be in attendance, and we are working on a February date TBA.

We will send several more reminders, but this first note will serve as a "heads up" and request for feedback.