At the community meeting this evening Commonwealth Ventures outlined their plans for the construction of 5,7,9 Channel Center. They will need to re-route Channel Center traffic at different points, but will keep access to all of the buildings. They plan on having construction vehicles will enter and exit on the far side (the entrance closest to Artists for Humanities), but don't own that whole street so are still finalizing that. Equipment and materials are going to be kept next the building on the side opposite Midway.
As residents who were living here in 2008 may remember, when they did the work on the building their office is in, they kept loud sandblasting equipment going on weekends and until past 7pm at night. They were able to get permits for this by claiming the work was indoors (as only the loud equipment was outside; the sandblasting was inside). This blog post from Christmas 2008 has more details.
For this project they will be doing similar sand blasting on the interiors, so will have similar equipment. They are going to try to schedule construction for 7AM - 3PM, but they couldn't guarantee that they would not work later or on weekends. As a reminder, if there problems with this or any construction work, city residents can always call Inspectional Services with issues: 617.635.1010.
Commonwealth Ventures is going to create a website and try to keep the community updated with progress and any issues / inconveniences that come up and welcomed input. It will also have timelines and plans. They haven't finalized the URL for this new site.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
BRA Approves $150m Phase I of Pier 4 Project
Private investment / project cost, phase I: $150 million
Total square footage, phase I: 373,000 square feet
Construction jobs, phase I: 400
Housing, phase I: 383 residential units, 35 on site affordable housing units in phase 1, and 50 on site innovation units
The Innovation District’s momentum continues with the BRA Board’s unanimous approval of phase 1 of the Pier 4 project, a three phase project located at 136-146 Northern Avenue on 9.5 acres. Phase 2 and 3 will be approved as specific projects are submitted to the BRA Board for review. The approval of Pier 4 just one month after the approval of 319 A Street answers the call for housing in the area.
Phase 1 is a $150 million project that will transform an existing restaurant, patio, surface parking, and deteriorating pier into a vibrant, waterfront mixed-use complex with 625,000 square feet of residential space, 20,000 square feet of public civic space, and 20,000 square feet of ground floor retail space. Thirty-five of the residential units created in phase 1 will be affordable, and 50 of the residential units will be innovation housing. When phases 2 and 3 are submitted to the BRA for review, there will be additional affordable housing.
Pier 4 will enhance the public’s interaction with the harbor by creating new waterfront open space areas, including a one-acre Waterfront Park, Waterfront Plaza, 1,800 feet of Harborwalk, the Water Commons consisting of a water taxi landing area and covered waiting area, public restrooms, and the All-Seasons Gathering Area linking to the civic space. The deteriorating pier will undergo significant repairs, and the area will house a “touch and go” dock, fish cleaning station and bait and tackle shop. Additionally, approximately $2 million will be contributed to improved water transportation services in the District.
As part of the District’s development into a 24-hour neighborhood, Pier 4 will bring residential, hotel, retail/restaurant, civic, and commercial uses to the waterfront. Boston’s waterfront economy will be strengthened, and the Pier 4 project will create a new community on Boston’s waterfront. Parking will move below ground opening surface area space for pedestrian use. Community activities in new, open waterfront space will be created, and a pedestrian and vehicular network across the 9.5 acres will be built improving the physical and visual access of the public to the harbor.
The development team includes New England Development LLC, architects ADD Inc, and legal counsel, Goulston & Storrs, P.C. Phase I will create 400 construction jobs.
The Innovation District is an area on the South Boston Waterfront focused on attracting startup companies and innovation industries. Over 90 companies and 2,800 new jobs have moved to the Innovation District since the Mayor announced the creation of the district in January 2010.
More details:
Private investment / project cost, phase I: $150 million
Total square footage, phase I: 373,000 square feet
Construction jobs, phase I: 400
Housing, phase I: 383 residential units, 35 on site affordable housing units in phase 1, and 50 on site innovation units
The Innovation District’s momentum continues with the BRA Board’s unanimous approval of phase 1 of the Pier 4 project, a three phase project located at 136-146 Northern Avenue on 9.5 acres. Phase 2 and 3 will be approved as specific projects are submitted to the BRA Board for review. The approval of Pier 4 just one month after the approval of 319 A Street answers the call for housing in the area.
Phase 1 is a $150 million project that will transform an existing restaurant, patio, surface parking, and deteriorating pier into a vibrant, waterfront mixed-use complex with 625,000 square feet of residential space, 20,000 square feet of public civic space, and 20,000 square feet of ground floor retail space. Thirty-five of the residential units created in phase 1 will be affordable, and 50 of the residential units will be innovation housing. When phases 2 and 3 are submitted to the BRA for review, there will be additional affordable housing.
Pier 4 will enhance the public’s interaction with the harbor by creating new waterfront open space areas, including a one-acre Waterfront Park, Waterfront Plaza, 1,800 feet of Harborwalk, the Water Commons consisting of a water taxi landing area and covered waiting area, public restrooms, and the All-Seasons Gathering Area linking to the civic space. The deteriorating pier will undergo significant repairs, and the area will house a “touch and go” dock, fish cleaning station and bait and tackle shop. Additionally, approximately $2 million will be contributed to improved water transportation services in the District.
As part of the District’s development into a 24-hour neighborhood, Pier 4 will bring residential, hotel, retail/restaurant, civic, and commercial uses to the waterfront. Boston’s waterfront economy will be strengthened, and the Pier 4 project will create a new community on Boston’s waterfront. Parking will move below ground opening surface area space for pedestrian use. Community activities in new, open waterfront space will be created, and a pedestrian and vehicular network across the 9.5 acres will be built improving the physical and visual access of the public to the harbor.
The development team includes New England Development LLC, architects ADD Inc, and legal counsel, Goulston & Storrs, P.C. Phase I will create 400 construction jobs.
The Innovation District is an area on the South Boston Waterfront focused on attracting startup companies and innovation industries. Over 90 companies and 2,800 new jobs have moved to the Innovation District since the Mayor announced the creation of the district in January 2010.
More details:
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
5 Channel Center Construction Mtg, 12/20
A Community Meeting to discuss the construction activity at 5 Channel
Center has been scheduled for Tuesday - December 20th at 5:30. The
meeting will be held on the 2nd floor of 10 Channel Center. Commonwealth
Ventures will be discussing construction plans
for 5 Channel Center and other logistics associated with the project.
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Landmark Meeting Tomorrow (12/8) for 346 Congress, 300 Summer
DATE: Thursday, December 8, 2011
TIME: 5:30 P.M.
Subject of the hearing will be applications for Certificates of Design Approval on the agenda below, reviews of architectural violations, and such businesses as may come before the commission, in accordance with Chapter 772 of the Acts of 1975, as amended. Applications are available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the Environment Department. Sign language interpreters are available upon request.
Please ensure that all electronic devices are silenced prior to entering the hearing room.
After 5:30 p.m., enter and exit City Hall at the Dock Square entrance on Congress Street (across from Faneuil Hall).
David Berarducci, Susan Goganian, John Karoff, Yanni Tsipis, Michele Yeeles
Alternates: B.K. Boley, Kosta Ligris
Application: 12.488 FPC 300 Summer Street (continued)
Applicant: Ellen Altman, Artist Building 300 Summer Street Cooperative: Proposal for masonry coating in order to address water infiltration of masonry on rear elevation.
6:00 PM
Application: 12.591 FPC 346 Congress Street
Applicant: Martin H. Dykas Jr: Install new elevator and stair headhouses; install new shade structure on roof.
Date posted: November 28, 2011
cc: Mayor, Inspectional Services Department, City Clerk, Boston Redevelopment Authority, Applicants,
District City Councilors, Neighborhood Services, Property Owners, Law Department, Abutters (from most recent tax list)
For additional information, please contact Fort Point Channel Landmark District Commission staff at 617-635-3850 or
Caitlin Greeley
Preservation Planner
Aberdeen Architectural Conservation District Commission
Beacon Hill Architectural Commission
Fort Point Channel Landmark District Commission
City of Boston Environment Department
Boston City Hall, Room 805
Telephone: (617) 635-3850
Boston City Hall, Room 805
Telephone: (617) 635-3850
Fax: (617) 635-3435
Check out our website!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Fort Point Holiday Stroll This Friday
This Friday, December 2, from 4 to 8 p.m., several Fort Point stores and restaurants will be offering visitors discounts and gifts as part of the second annual event. See the Fort Point Holiday Stroll blog for more information, including a list of participating businesses.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Concert Saturday (12/3), 10 Channel Center
Audain/Graham/Hayleck/Moore Quartet
Betsey Biggs performs "Remember/Wake Up"
Peter Whincop, Forrest Larson, Jed Speare
Saturday, December 3, 2011
10 Channel Center St., Boston
8pm $10 suggested donation
betsey biggs:
Betsey Biggs is a Brooklyn and Providence-based composer and artist whose practice in music, sound, video and installation aims to explore the resonance between sound and image, to actively engage the audience, and to explore the relationships among sound, memory, and geography. Her work has been described by The New Yorker as "psychologically complex, exposing how we orient ourselves with our ears." She has collaborated with musicians and artists including Margaret Lancaster, Evidence, The Now Ensemble, The BSC, So Percussion, Tarab Cello Ensemble, the Nash Ensemble and filmmakers Jennie Livingston and Amy Harrison. Her work has been seen and heard at venues as disparate as ISSUE Project Room, Abrons Arts Center, the Conflux Festival, MASSMoCA, Sundance Film Festival, and on the streets of Oakland, Red Hook, Williamsburg and the Gowanus. Biggs holds a Ph.D. in Music Composition from Princeton University and currently teaches a course about art and place at Brown University.
andy hayleck:
Andy Hayleck is an electro-acoustic musician who lives inÊBaltimore, Maryland. He uses a Paia modular synthesizer and microphonesÊin improvisations and compositions, utilizing the resonance
characteristics of a variety of materials. Recordings include: "TwoÊGong/Wire Pieces" (Ehse), "Gong/Wire" (Earlids), "Various RecordingsÊInvolving Ice" (HereSee), and "The Disappearing Floor" (Recorded).
carver audain:
Carver Audain (b 1981) is a sound artist who focuses on creating immersive sonic environments. He produces work comprised of his own instrumental and environmental recordings, resulting in an array of textured fields. In live performances he integrates a variety of pre-recorded source material for the use of spontaneous arrangement, live sculpting, and sampling. He has presented works at venues such as The Red Room, Zebulon, Pyramid Atlantic, Mirkwood Estates, The Bank, Studio Soto, and ISSUE Project Room, and has performed as a part of the Sonic Circuits Festival, and the Floating Points Festival. In 2009, he was the recipient of ISSUE Project Room's Emerging Composer's Commission grant care of the Greenwall Foundation.ÊHe lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.
forbes graham:
I am a performer and a composer of music and sound. MyÊmain instruments are trumpet and laptop computer. I was born in SilverÊSpring, MD, grew up there and currently reside in the suburbs ofÊBoston. I have been playing music for almost 24 years. I explore aÊvariety of themes in my work including numerology, water, poetry,Êrhythm, and noise.ÊFestival appearances include High Zero, Festival of New Trumpet,ÊVision Festival, and The WireÕs Adventures in Modern Music.
stephan moore:
Stephan Moore is a composer, performer, audio artist, sound designerÊand curator based in Brooklyn and Providence. His creative workÊcurrently manifests as electronic studio compositions, improvised solo
performances, sound installation works, scores and sound designs forÊcollaborative performance pieces, and sound designs for unusual
circumstances. Evidence, his long-standing project with ScottÊSmallwood, has performed widely and released several recordings over
the past decade. He has created custom music software for a number ofÊcomposers and artists, and has taught workshops and numerousÊcollege-level courses in composition, programming, sound art and
electronic music. He curates the annual Floating Points Festival atÊIssue Project Room in Brooklyn, where he also serves on the ArtÊAdvisory Board. From late 2004 to mid-2010, he performed over 250
concerts with the Merce Cunningham Dance Company, serving as theirÊsound engineer and music coordinator, and as a touring musician.
peter whincop:
Peter Whicop is from Napier, New Zealand. He currently teaches Electronic Music Composition at MIT, and received degrees in Music Theory and Composition from University of Otago and Harvard University. Formerly a pianist, he now performs under the name anonymous-°, also a nexus website for free dissemination of his work (under construction). He also paints and draws, incorporating the processes into video work, which ultimately is a project in making Òdocumentals.Ó These document the fringes of Òacceptable sanityÓÑthough the project itself is quite conservative, lacking the flights of fancy that it documents.
forrest larson:
Composer, violist and electronic musician Forrest Larson has composed both instrumental and electronic music. His work includes both strictly composed music and live improvised electronic music. ÊInstrumental works include music for string orchestra, wind ensemble as well as pieces for unaccompanied violin, viola and cello. He has had a life-long love of old pre-digital analog electronic instruments, and of collecting Òfound soundsÓ from both natural as well as urban landscapes. ÊAnalog devices such as oscillators, stomp box filters and shortwave radios are of particular interest. Some of his works combine electronic sounds and live acoustic instruments such as cello and tuba. ÊOther work includes electronic scores for abstract films and for solo dancer. ÊHis music has been performed locally at various venues in the Boston area such as Mobius, MIT, Brandeis University, and at the experimental music series CTRL+ALT+REPEAT in Providence, RI. Other performances have been at Carnegie-Mellon University, Washington and Jefferson University (PA), Mansfield University (PA), Southern Oregon University, in Ithaca NY and in Iceland. As a violist, he has played in the New England Philharmonic, Boston Chamber Ensemble, and other chamber groups. ÊHe also played violin in the Commonwealth Vintage Dance Orchestra, performed traditional Scottish fiddle music and was the musician for the Middlesex Morris Dancers.
jed speare:
Jed Speare is an artist working in a variety of media and settings. He has presented sound, video, performance and multidisciplinary work, locally, nationally, and internationally in Canada, Ireland, Poland, Belarus, Croatia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Sweden, Netherlands, and Taiwan. In 1978 he studied at the Sonic Research Studio of the World Soundscape Project, in Burnaby, British Columbia, an experience that led to his extensive work in field recordings and his advocacy about the sound environment.
He has been associated with San Francisco industrial culture as the creator of the record album Cable Car Soundscapes (1982) on Smithsonian Folkways Records and as a founder of the group, Research Library, who performed with Joan Jonas and recorded on Subterranean Records. During this time, he was also active creating numerous sound, collaborative, experimental theater, movement, and multidisciplinary performance works in San Francisco, New York, and Amsterdam, where he taught at the Theatreschool Mime Opleiding in 1986 and 1987. The double album, Sound Works 1982 - 1987, (2008) on Family Vineyard Records, includes several longer-form works from that period. In 2008, Wire Magazine called him Òa pioneer of multimedia presentation," and since then has been performing in solo and group contexts. He has been a member of the Mobius Artists Group since 1995 and is the Director of Mobius and Studio Soto.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Barrington Coffee Opening on Congress St.
Barrington Coffee, a coffee roaster, is opening a cafe at 346 Congress St which is close to opening:
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Units at 300 Summer Available
LIVE/WORK ARTIST UNITS at 300 Summer Street, Fort Point, Boston.
Artist Building at 300 Summer (limited equity building, prices lower
than market) is seeking visual artists to add their name and contact
info to the Applicant Pool if interested in purchasing a space in our 47
unit cooperative building in Fort Point. Units come up for sale
approximately once or twice a year. To sign up, go to and click Applicant Pool and follow the instructions.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Election outcome: Linehan and Lee, District 2 Councilor race
10,084 voted in Precinct 2 (our Ward 6, Precinct 1 is only part of District 2)
Bill Linehan: 5065 total votes
Suzanne Lee : 4978 total votes
Difference of 87 votes
In our Ward 6, Precinct 1(Fort Point, plus Fan Pier down to Design Center approx.) there are 2928 registered voters.
433 voted: 227 for Bill Linehan and 203 for Suzanne Lee.
433 voted: 227 for Bill Linehan and 203 for Suzanne Lee.
Monday, November 07, 2011
7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Condon School
200 D Street, South Boston
Bill Linehan is currently our District 2 City Councilor. He is being challenged by Suzanne Lee. There are 2 candidates challenging the present At Large seats.
Condon School
200 D Street, South Boston
Bill Linehan is currently our District 2 City Councilor. He is being challenged by Suzanne Lee. There are 2 candidates challenging the present At Large seats.
Boston City Council has four at large councillors who are elected to represent the entire city; in addition there are nine district city councillors who represent specific portions of the city.
President, At-Large
Stephen J. Murphy
John R. Connolly
Ayanna Pressley![]()
Salvatore LaMattina
Bill Linehan
Maureen E. Feeney
Charles C. Yancey
Robert Consalvo
Matt O'Malley
Tito Jackson
Michael P. Ross
Mark Ciommo
Friday, October 28, 2011
319 A St. - BRA meeting Wed., 311 Summer St.
Project Name: 319 A Street (Rear) Project Proponent: BWH II Realty LLC Project Description: The Proponent is proposing to change the previously approved project by reducing the number of floors from 21 to 20; decreasing the residential square footage from up to 212,610 to up to 201,110 square feet; and increasing the number of residential units from 184 to approximately 202 units. Meeting Date/ Place: 6:30 PM, Wednesday, November 9, 2011 at the ADD Inc Office, 311 Summer Street, Boston, MA Close of Comment Period: Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Seaport Square Dev Update Tomorrow
Seaport Square Developer John Hynes
to visit the Fort Point Community
6:30 PM
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Who is Fort Point Boston?
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Over the weekend at Open Studios it came to our attention that there are other online properties saying they are Fort Point Boston. We want you to be sure that, and @fortpointboston are in no way affiliated with any real estate or business holdings.
We are simply local residents who love our neighborhood and all that it has to offer. We look forward to keeping our neighborhood connected!
Drew, Kate and Elisa
Over the weekend at Open Studios it came to our attention that there are other online properties saying they are Fort Point Boston. We want you to be sure that, and @fortpointboston are in no way affiliated with any real estate or business holdings.
We are simply local residents who love our neighborhood and all that it has to offer. We look forward to keeping our neighborhood connected!
Drew, Kate and Elisa
Monday, October 17, 2011
Candidates Forum, Tonight 7PM
There will be a Candidates Forum for the District 2 City Council Candidates Bill Linehan and Suzanne Lee on Monday evening:
City Council Candidates Forum
Monday October 17 at 7:00pm
South Boston Boys and Girls Club
230 West 6th Street
South Boston
City Council Candidates Forum
Monday October 17 at 7:00pm
South Boston Boys and Girls Club
230 West 6th Street
South Boston
Thursday, October 13, 2011
FPNA Board Mtg, 10/20
From Cam:
Our next Fort Point Neighborhood Association Board meeting
will be at 7:30 pm on Thursday, October 20th in the Thompson Design Group space at 35 Channel Center. We
invite neighbors to attend. Our usual board meeting date is the first Thursday
of the month, but we have moved this one back to accommodate our artist
neighbors, who are preparing for open studios this weekend.
Please respond to
this email if you plan to come and let us know the topic or questions you'd
like to address.
The BRA has been in contact with our board to apologize
for not sending notice to the neighborhood about the 381 Congress Street
meeting, and to thank us for alerting them. We were told it was a mix-up in
transferring project management responsibilities for this area to Geoff Lewis
and wouldn't happen again now that they have consolidated all their contacts
for Fort Point (over 500). FPNA is in the process of organizing several community
meetings for Fort Point with the BRA to obtain some much needed clarification
on many development issues affecting our neighborhood, such as BCEC expansion.
Senator Hart has arranged at our request the first of these meetings with the
developer of Seaport Square, John Hynes, to update us on their plans, including
the plan for Q Park. We will be co-hosting this meeting with FPAC at 6:30pm on Tuesday, October 25th at 12
Farnsworth Street.
Cam Sawzin
chair Fort Point Neighborhood Association
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
2011 Fort Point Open Studios
FPAC's annual open studios is this weekend. More than 150 artists are participating. Visitors to Open Studios can explore more than 10 buildings in the Fort Point neighborhood, plus galleries and creative design shops. All buildings are in easy walking distance of each other. Free participatory art-making activities for children will take place at Made in Fort Point, FPAC’s store and gallery at 12 Farnsworth Street.
Fall Fort Point Open Studios 2011
Friday October 14th:
Preview selected studios 4:00-7:00pm.
All participating locations open Saturday and Sunday
October 15 and 16:
Free and open to the public
Free parking available off of A St.
FPAC Members Show Tomorrow (10/13)
FPAC Members Group Show and Kick off to Open Studios
300 Summer Street, M1
Monday 8am-3pm
Tuesday-Friday 8am-9pm
Individual pieces from over 80 different artists.
Thursday October 13th, 5:30-8pm
FPAC Gallery
Monday 8am-3pm
Tuesday-Friday 8am-9pm
Individual pieces from over 80 different artists.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
FPNA Meeting, 10/20
From Cam:
Although we usually meet the first Thursday of the month, we have
decided to reschedule the monthly Fort Point Neighborhood Association
board meeting for Thursday October 20th at 7:30 after open studios. The
venue is still at 35 Channel Center in the DR space (Thompson Design). All are welcome.
Hope to see you there!
Clean up of parking spaces on Medallion Ave
On October 25 & 26 the USPS is planning to clean up the area along their fence on Medallion Avenue. They will begin posting signs this week that for those two days there will be no parking allowed along the fence on Medallion Avenue ( behind the Channel Center Properties).
Friday, September 30, 2011
Yard Sale Postponed
Due to rain we have decided to opt for the rain date (Saturday October 8th) for the yard sale. We will also cut the hours from 10am to 2pm.
Can you please let your members know. Thank you for your help.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Monday: Electroacoustic Music

Monday, October 3, 2011
10 Channel Center St.
8PM suggested donation $10
Simon Scott (Miasmah / Sonic Pieces / Immune)
Simon Scott is an electroacoustic composer and sound artist based in Cambridge, England. Drawing from his shoegaze past and a curiosity for the ecology of sounds, he crafts expansive, haunted soundscapes navigated by fragments of songs and faraway melodies to create an ephemeral sonic journey. His second full length LP for Miasmah, following up on the critically acclaimed ‘Navigare’ is due early October.
Besides his solo work, Simon has also released with the band Seavault, co-produced and remixed artists including The Sight Below, ON and Jasper TX and produced sound designs for a number of installations, short films and television stations.
"Scott is particularly adept at layering coolly shimmering guitars and dark churning currents of noise into something vast". "A haunting aspect of 'Navigare' is how it seems to contain traces of tunes that stand out like half-forgotten relics of the past" (The Wire - Dec'09).”
A full stream ‘Navigare’ and an excerpts from the forthcoming album ‘Bunny’ are available here:
Taylor Deupree and Marcus Fischer (12K)
A long-standing experimental electronic composer and founder of the 12k label, Taylor Deupree and Portland, OR-based musician and multimedia artist Marcus Fischer will be performing as a duo. Using a “network of guitar pedals and instruments ranging from analog synthesizers to sticks collected while photographing” the two will be playing the sonic component of their music and photography collaboration due to be released on 12k. Textural and quiet, their music feels like the exploration of a landscape: spacious, contemplative and scattered with details. A preview is available here:
Taylor Deupree (from Shoals - 12k, 2010)
Marcus Fischer (from Monocoastal - 12k, 2010)
Peter Whincop (MIT)
Peter Whincop is from Napier, New Zealand. He currently teaches Electronic Music Composition at MIT, and received degrees in Music Theory and Composition from University of Otago and Harvard University. Formerly a pianist, he now performs under the name anonymous-∞, also a nexus website for free dissemination of his work (under construction). He also paints and draws, incorporating the processes into video work, which ultimately is a project in making “documentals.” These document the fringes of “acceptable sanity”—though the project itself is quite conservative, lacking the flights of fancy that it documents.
Live/Work Space at 300 Summer
UNITS at 300 Summer Street, Fort Point, Boston.
The Artist Building at 300 Summer (limited equity building, prices lower than market) is seeking visual artists to add their name and contact info to the Applicant Pool if interested in purchasing a space in our 47 unit cooperative building in Fort Point. Units come up for sale approximately once or twice a year. To sign up, go to and click Applicant Pool and follow the instructions.
The Artist Building at 300 Summer (limited equity building, prices lower than market) is seeking visual artists to add their name and contact info to the Applicant Pool if interested in purchasing a space in our 47 unit cooperative building in Fort Point. Units come up for sale approximately once or twice a year. To sign up, go to and click Applicant Pool and follow the instructions.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Primary Election today: make sure you vote!
2011 City of Boston Elections
Primary Election: September 27th
James Condon School, 200 D St.
Polls open until 8 PM
Please get out and vote! Fort Point has a low voter turn-out rate and politicians do look at which neighborhoods vote.
Primary Election: September 27th
James Condon School, 200 D St.
Polls open until 8 PM
Please get out and vote! Fort Point has a low voter turn-out rate and politicians do look at which neighborhoods vote.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
2011 City Elections: 9/27, 11/8
2011 City of Boston Elections
Primary Election: September 27th
General Election: November 8th
Both are at the James Condon School, 200 D St.
Please get out and vote! Fort Point has a low voter turn-out rate and politicians do look at which neighborhoods vote. If you are new to the neighborhood, please change your voter registration address.
For those interested:
Michael Flaherty for Boston City Council at Large
Monday, Sept. 19th, 2011: 6-8pm
FP3 Condos Lobby, 346 Congress St.
Hosted by: Diane Keliher
Voter registration forms, change of address forms, and absentee ballots will be available. Please contact Diane Keliher with any questions: / 617.875.8765
Primary Election: September 27th
General Election: November 8th
Both are at the James Condon School, 200 D St.
Please get out and vote! Fort Point has a low voter turn-out rate and politicians do look at which neighborhoods vote. If you are new to the neighborhood, please change your voter registration address.
For those interested:
Michael Flaherty for Boston City Council at Large
Monday, Sept. 19th, 2011: 6-8pm
FP3 Condos Lobby, 346 Congress St.
Hosted by: Diane Keliher
Voter registration forms, change of address forms, and absentee ballots will be available. Please contact Diane Keliher with any questions: / 617.875.8765
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Tonight: Lisa Greenfield at Made in Fort Point
Made in Fort Point (the FPAC store) will be exhibiting the paintings of Lisa M. Greenfield, "On The Edge" for the month of September. Greenfield's paintings explore themes of color, surface, space, and edge. A twist on the urban landscape, Greenfield's minimal approach to architecture, with subtle use of color and form, creates spatial ambiguities and shifts or foreground and background.
Lisa Greenfield is an artist and urban planner with a BA in Fine Arts from Brandeis University. She has been an active member of the Fort Point Arts Community for many years. Greenfield has received numerous grants and awards, including most recently the St. Botolph Club Foundation 2011 Emerging Artist Award. Show dates: Sept 1 - Sept 30, 2011
Opening Reception: Thursday September 8th, 5-7 pm
Made in Fort Point, 12 Farnsworth St., Boston, MA
Made in Fort Point, 12 Farnsworth St., Boston, MA
Meet the artist and enjoy complimentary refreshments from
FPAC, Sportello, and Sagarinos
Lisa Greenfield,
Made In Fort Point
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Fort point Pier Construction
Fort Point Pier is coming along nicely and, to my untrained eye, looks like it will be completed on-time by the end of September. There's a lengthy writeup on the pier and its history (going back to 1807) here:
Parking Meeting Monday (9/12)
FPNA invites you to meet with
September 12TH
6:00 PM
10 Channel
Center Street
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Landmarks Meeting Thursday, 9/8
Thursday, September 8 2011
5:30 P.M.
Subject of the hearing will be applications for Certificates of Design Approval on the agenda below, reviews of architectural violations, and
such businesses as may come before the commission, in accordance with Chapter 772 of the Acts of 1975, as amended. Applications are
available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the Environment Department. Sign language interpreters are
available upon request.
David Berarducci, Susan Goganian, John Karoff, Yanni Tsipis, Michele Yeeles
Alternates: B.K. Boley, Kosta Ligris
319 A Street
John Matteson, W2005BWH II Realty, LLC: Replace windows on sidewalk and 1st floor levels with wood windows, restore wood transoms at West and A St. elevations, replace windows on 2nd-5th floors with metal windows, all to match existing window profiles.
Thursday, September 8 2011
5:30 P.M.
Subject of the hearing will be applications for Certificates of Design Approval on the agenda below, reviews of architectural violations, and
such businesses as may come before the commission, in accordance with Chapter 772 of the Acts of 1975, as amended. Applications are
available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the Environment Department. Sign language interpreters are
available upon request.
David Berarducci, Susan Goganian, John Karoff, Yanni Tsipis, Michele Yeeles
Alternates: B.K. Boley, Kosta Ligris
319 A Street
John Matteson, W2005BWH II Realty, LLC: Replace windows on sidewalk and 1st floor levels with wood windows, restore wood transoms at West and A St. elevations, replace windows on 2nd-5th floors with metal windows, all to match existing window profiles.
319 A St.,
Monday, August 29, 2011
$100 Works on Paper
FPAC to Host $100 Works on Paper Fundraiser
The Fort Point Arts Community (FPAC) is proud to present "Paper Chase 100", a group exhibition to benefit FPAC. The exhibition will be comprised completely of unframed works on paper by FPAC Members, all priced at $100 each. This is the first exhibition of its kind that FPAC has produced. The hope is that this exhibition will engage the community in a new way by making art accessible to a broad range of art lovers and allowing artists and viewers to play an active role in supporting the arts in Fort Point.
FPAC is Boston's oldest artist community and seeks to enrich the Fort Point area with a resident artist population that contributes to the district's and the City of Boston's cultural life . "Paper Chase 100" will take place at the FPAC Gallery at 300 Summer Street and will run from September 12 to 29, 2011. There will be an opening reception on September 15th from 5:30-8:00pm.
For more information contact the FPAC Gallery at or visit
The Fort Point Arts Community (FPAC) is proud to present "Paper Chase 100", a group exhibition to benefit FPAC. The exhibition will be comprised completely of unframed works on paper by FPAC Members, all priced at $100 each. This is the first exhibition of its kind that FPAC has produced. The hope is that this exhibition will engage the community in a new way by making art accessible to a broad range of art lovers and allowing artists and viewers to play an active role in supporting the arts in Fort Point.
FPAC is Boston's oldest artist community and seeks to enrich the Fort Point area with a resident artist population that contributes to the district's and the City of Boston's cultural life . "Paper Chase 100" will take place at the FPAC Gallery at 300 Summer Street and will run from September 12 to 29, 2011. There will be an opening reception on September 15th from 5:30-8:00pm.
For more information contact the FPAC Gallery at or visit
Sept 12-29, 2011
FPAC Gallery
300 Summer St.
Mondays 9:00 am-3:30 pm
Tuesdays-Fridays 9:00am-9:00pm
BRA Community Meeting - 630 East Second St
Project Name: 630 East Second Street Condominiums – South Boston
Project Proponent: Mr. Michael Indresano
Project Description: Mr. Michael Indresano, (the “Proponent”) intends to raze the current one story commercial building at the 630 East Second Street site and construct a new residential condominium building in its place. The project will call for a five story structure containing twenty-two (nineteen market rate and three affordable) units and twenty-six at grade parking spaces.
Meeting Date/ Place: 6:00 PM, Monday, September 19, 2011 at the Tynan Elementary School - 650 East 4th Street, South Boston, MA, 02127.
Close of Comment Period: Monday, September 30, 2011
BOSTON, MA 02201
FAX TO: 617-742-7783
PHONE: 617-918-4429
Monday, August 22, 2011
Cliff diving at the ICA

A huge crowd came out for the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series at the ICA on Saturday. The competition kicked off with kayaking skydiver. See the video here
And it was nice to see how many people biked over for the event. Every lamp-post and street sign was doubled up with bikes:
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Water Taxi Service on Boston Harbor
From Cam:
Captain Don's water taxi has just come on the scene and they are wonderful. My Mom isn't very mobile and they picked us up at Battery Wharf in the North End, took us to fan pier for the diving and then picked us up to drop us off at Legal Harborside. They couldn't have been nicer or more professional. The phone number is 617-828-9005. Website: We are lucky to have such a great new addition. There is a new dock near the Gillette property coming soon and they may even be able to come there during low tide.
Captain Don's water taxi has just come on the scene and they are wonderful. My Mom isn't very mobile and they picked us up at Battery Wharf in the North End, took us to fan pier for the diving and then picked us up to drop us off at Legal Harborside. They couldn't have been nicer or more professional. The phone number is 617-828-9005. Website: We are lucky to have such a great new addition. There is a new dock near the Gillette property coming soon and they may even be able to come there during low tide.
Water taxi
Thursday, August 18, 2011
This Weekend: Cliff Diving at the ICA

There are trial dives Friday afternoon at 2pm. The main contest starts at 3pm on Saturday. It's free and you can watch on the ICA's deck or on Fan Pier.
Cliff Diving,
Red Bull
Thursday, August 04, 2011
8/10: Wendy Shapiro at 35 Channel Center
FPAC presents THE WHITE SERIES at 35 Channel Center:
wednesday. august 10th
reception showcasing my latest white series
date: wednesday. august 10th. 5:30-7:30pm
location: 35 channel center gallery space. first floor lobby. boston. ma
parking: There is a lot off A street and street parking is also available from toro. avanti. barlows. yoga. front. bob's your uncle. sophia's cafe and +
35 Channel Center.,
Wendy Shapiro
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Papagayo Entertainment License, 8/2, 6 PM

Community Meeting:
Papagayo Entertainment License Application
Tuesday August 2nd, 6:00pm
Papagayo (in the rear of the restaurant)
Hosted by: Brad Dalbeck- Legendary Restaurant Group
liquor licenses,
Military Training Exercises Next Two Weeks
Office of the Mayor
Thomas M. Menino
For Immediate Release: For More Information Contact:
Monday, July 25, 2011 Press Office, (617) 635-4461
Military Training Exercises to Take Place Around Boston
WHEN: July 26, 2011 – August 5, 2011
Joint federal military training exercises will take place within and around the Boston area between July 26th and August 5th. Military personnel will conduct training exercises to ensure the military's ability to operate in urban environments, prepare forces for upcoming overseas deployments, and meet mandatory training certification requirements. Helicopters will be used in these exercises.
The Boston Police Department is working with military personnel to coordinate training sites that will minimize negative impacts on our Boston citizens and their daily routines. Safety precautions have been taken to prevent risk to the general public and the military personnel involved. With that, training site locations are not open to the public and will be guarded by uniformed personnel to provide additional safety.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Fireworks on Fan Pier Tonight
As part of the Extreme Sailing event, there will be fireworks in the harbor tonight at ~9:30 PM.
The Coast Guard has established a safety zone for boats:
SUMMARY: The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone within
the Sector Boston Captain of the Port (COTP) Zone for the Fan Pier
Yacht Club Fireworks display. This safety zone is necessary to provide
for the safety of life on navigable waters during the fireworks event.
Entering into, transiting through, mooring or anchoring within this
zone is prohibited unless authorized by the COTP or the designated on-
scene representative.
DATES: This rule is effective and will be enforced from 9:30 p.m. to 10
p.m. on June 30, 2011.
The Coast Guard has established a safety zone for boats:
SUMMARY: The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone within
the Sector Boston Captain of the Port (COTP) Zone for the Fan Pier
Yacht Club Fireworks display. This safety zone is necessary to provide
for the safety of life on navigable waters during the fireworks event.
Entering into, transiting through, mooring or anchoring within this
zone is prohibited unless authorized by the COTP or the designated on-
scene representative.
DATES: This rule is effective and will be enforced from 9:30 p.m. to 10
p.m. on June 30, 2011.
Extreme Sailing
The Extreme Sailing Series on Fan Pier starts today and runs through this weekend. The map and schedule are below; more details on:
Thursday, June 30, | |
11am | Race Village Opens |
11am -1pm | Courageous Sailing Events |
1:30-2pm | Red Bull Air Force skydivers |
1:45pm | Parade of Sail |
2pm-5pm | Extreme 40′s racing |
4pm-7pm | Splash Time |
4pm | Big Nazo-Walkabout performers |
5:30pm | Extreme Sailing Prize Ceremony |
6pm | Fox 25 Live |
6:00-6:30pm | Red Bull Air Force skydivers |
7pm-11pm | Entertainment on Main Stage-Groove Authority |
9:50pm | Fireworks over Boston Harbor |
10pm | Fox 25 Live |
11pm | Race Village Closes |
Fox 25 Live |
Friday, July 1 | |
6-10am | Fox 25 Live-Zip Trip |
7am | Red Bull Air Force skydivers |
11am | Race Village Opens |
11am -1pm | Courageous Sailing Events |
1:30-2pm | Red Bull Air Force skydivers |
1:45pm | Parade of Sail |
2pm-5pm | Extreme 40′s racing |
4pm-7pm | Splash Time |
4pm | Big Nazo-Walkabout performers |
5:30pm | Extreme Sailing Prize Ceremony |
7pm-11pm | Entertainment on Main Stage-James Montgomery |
11pm | Race Village Closes |
Saturday, July 2 | |
11am | Race Village Opens |
11am -1pm | Courageous Sailing Events |
1:45pm | Parade of Sail |
2pm-5pm | Extreme 40′s racing |
4pm-7pm | Splash Time |
5:30pm | Extreme Sailing Prize Ceremony |
7pm-11pm | Entertainment on Main Stage-Entrain |
11pm | Race Village Closes |
Sunday, July 3 | |
11am | Race Village Opens |
11am -1pm | Courageous Sailing Events |
1:45pm | Parade of Sail |
2pm-5pm | Extreme 40′s racing |
4pm-7pm | Splash Time |
4pm | Big Nazo-Walkabout performers |
5:30pm | Extreme Sailing Prize Ceremony |
7pm-11pm | Entertainment on Main Stage |
11pm | Race Village Closes |
Monday, July 4 | |
11am | Race Village Opens |
11am -1pm | Courageous Sailing Events |
1:45pm | Parade of Sail |
2pm-5pm | Extreme 40′s racing |
3pm-6pm | Splash Time |
5:30pm | Extreme Sailing Prize Ceremony |
6pm | Race Village Closes |
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