Monday, February 19, 2007

Boston Convention Center Now Allowing "Boat Shows"

The Boston Business Journal has an article about the effects of the BCEC allowing exposition shows: Bayside by the Wayside.

Originally, when the Convention Center was created, Boat Shows and other events which draw significant numbers of ticket-buying patrons were strictly forbidden. This was to limit the traffic and noise impact on South Boston, as conference goers usually don't drive in.

Last year, Romney signed a bill which changed this and now the BCEC is allowed to have these kinds of shows. The neighborhood was sent a notice about this and it slipped under our radar. If someone finds more details on the bill, please follow this up with a comment or email the FPNA at:

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Car Stolen from Medallion Way

A reminder that Fort Point, while relatively safe, is an urban neighborhood and crime does happen. Paul and Stephanie who live in Midway report that last Tuesday night, their car was stolen from along the Post Office fence / Medallion Way. It was later found, abandoned and banged up.

If you any suspicious activity in that area or anywhere else in the neighborhood, please report it to the police.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

new cafe/boutique

Representatives from Kramsay, LLC d/b/a Achilles
at 281 Summer Street will attend a community
meeting on Monday, February 28th at 6:30 PM at
Midway. Kramsay has applied for an all alcohol
license and is on the agenda for the licensing
board hearing on March 7th (City Hall, Room 809A at 10 AM).

The applicant’s business, located on the first
floor of 281 Summer Street, will be a high end
retail boutique with named local designers and
local artwork and a small café that will serve food and alcoholic beverages.

Please help get the word out to other Fort Point
residents about the meeting on the 28th.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Mooninite in Fort Point

No doubt you've heard of the recent marketing campaign which triggered a bomb scare. In case you missed it, one of the first Moonitite's appeared on the Summer Street bridge: